Kryssmarkedsføring viktig suksessfaktor for helårig reiseliv i Trysil

Dagens vintergjester er ikke kjent med aktivitetsmulighetene i Trysil utenom vintersesongen. Dette kom fram i en gjesteundersøkelse som Olve Norderhaug i Villmarkskompaniet presenterte på Trysilseminaret i dag. Kryssmarkedsføring mot vintergjestene blir derfor avgjørende for at Trysil skal lykkes med å bli et helårig reisemål.

67 % av de spurte i undersøkelsen sier at det er interessant å besøke Trysil også sommer og høst hvis nye aktiviteter som høydebane, rodellbane og tranpolinepark resaliseres på Turistsenteret.

Grunnlaget for å realisere mange av planene som ble presentert på Trysilseminaret burde derfor være til stede.  Der informerte Torbjørn Amdahl fra Trysilfjell Utmarkslag om utvikling av Idrettsturisme og planer for Trysilfjell Arena på Turistsenteret. Olve Norderhaug la fram planene om spenningsaktiviteter på Sæteråsen og Vestre Trysil Utmarkslag inviterte til tilrettelagte aktiviteter og pakker i Trysils villmark.

Dette innlegget ble publisert i Ukategorisert. Bokmerk permalenken.

En tanke om “Kryssmarkedsføring viktig suksessfaktor for helårig reiseliv i Trysil

  1. Trysil should be marketed as a All-Family Summer Playground for health and well being where people can enjoy and learn from nature Ski trails would turn into hiking and biking trails. You should build a gigantic swimming pool on top of the mountain or convert the water pools that are used to make snow into swimming pools trysil has zero light pollution so seeing the stars is amazing,you could have camping nights or trips on top of the mountain,night time photography tours.

    you should offer health and well being seminars that could be sold a 10kr per person I am sure in norway a lot of people who sell motivation and other holistic products would jump at the chance off a captive market and a free holiday these people would also become marketeers for you

    Meadows would become ideal settings for summer fairs and festivals. and ski programs become summer camps. All accommodation should be sold at cost price or just to cover cost except for maybe two weeks in high summer season people bring their own sleeping bags no beds to be made.

    You should target your marketing at these places
    health organizations
    existing ski customers should be given heavily discounted special offer vouchers with a time limit for when the offer ends.
    You could target companies with special deals so they can reward their top performers with a special holiday if you sent a a poster to every company in norway with a special competition to raise money for a good cause the poster would be displayed and seen by all the employees.

    All swimming pools should be free to guest because most people can swim in spain for free

    These people who arrive in summer should then be marketed for winter.

    low cost is the key to getting people to trysil in summer remember its like a football stadium its cheap to come in but then the hot dogs are expensive

    Best regards
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